The Equity Kicker writes as follows and gives us six examples:
"....I am neither a lawyer nor an expert on this subject but I have seen enough startups undermined by spurious patent claims and innovative young media companies stymied by copyright difficulties to convince me that the current system is wrong, wrong, wrong....Read the full article here.The point of this post is to give some examples of this waste and friction, all culled from a single days writing on Techdirt...."
1. Japanese electronics firms turn to patent fights as Korean companies take the lead in this market....
2. French copyright enforcement agency accidentally steals someone else’s font....
3. Union Square Ventures posted about the need for an independent invention defence against patent infringement lawsuits....4. Getting legal clearance for films is now painful as samples of third party copyrighted work need clearance....
5. There is a serious debate as to whether software patents should be allowed at all....
6. A company called DigiProtect is sending collection agencies after people it accuses of copyright infringement before they have been found guilty....
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